Format of the historical tsunami database for the Pacific

Format of the historical tsunami database for the Pacific

List of Notations (in brackets the format and the minimum and maximum possible values of each parameter are shown).

Blanks in columns indicate that the value of this parameter is unavailable for this particular event.

year - year [-47, 1999]
mo - month [1,12]
da - day [1,31]
hr - hour (in GMT) [0,23]
mn - minute [0,59]
sec - second [00.0,59.9]
lat - latitude in ('-' for southern latitude) [-65.00,65.00]
long - longitude ('-' for western longitude) [-80.00, 50.00]
dep - source depth in km [0,999]
Ms - surface-wave magnitude [0,9.9]
Mw - moment magnitude [0,9.9]
Mt - Abe's tsunami magnitude [0,9.9]
Int - tsunami intensity on Soloviev scale [-9.9,9.9]
Hmax - maximum observed or measured wave height in meters [0.01,999.99]
N - total number of available run-up and tide-gauge observations [1,999]
D - damage code
    N - nondamaging event
    S - slight damage
    M - moderate damage
    L - large (severe) damage
F - number of reported fatalities due to the event [0,99999]
C - cause of the tsunami
    T – tectonic
    V – volcanic
    L – landslide
    M – meteorological
    S – seiches
    E – explosion
    I – impact
    U – unknown
V - validity of the event
    4 - definite tsunami (probability near 1.0)
    3 - probable tsunami (probability approximately. 0.75)
    2 - questionable tsunami (probability approximately. 0.50)
    1- very doubtful tsunami (probability approximately. 0.25)
    0 - false entry (probability near. 0.00) [0]
WS - warning status (for tsunamigenic events after 1948)
    noW - no warning was issued (missed tsunami) [5]
    PTW - Pacific-wide Tsunami Warning issued by PTWC [4]
    RTW - Regional Tsunami Warning issued by PTWC for areas having no TWS [3]
    LTW - Local Tsunami Warning issued by regional or national TWC [2]
    TIB - Tsunami Information or Attention Bulletin issued by any agency [1]
    N/A - status unknown [0]
TR - tsunamigenic region code
    A-A - Alaska and US Pacific coast (35°N - 63°N, 167°E - 112°W)
    CAM - Central America (7° N - 35° N, 127° W - 75° W)
    SAM - South America (58° S - 7° N, 100° W - 60° W)
    NZT - New Zealand and Tonga (57° S - 11° S, 160° E - 166° W)
    NGS - New Guinea and Solomon Is. (11° S - 5° N, 130° E - 165° E)
    IND – Indonesia (11° S - 11°N, 92° E - 130° E)
    PHI – Philippines (5° N - 28° N, 104° E - 134° E)
    JAP – Japan (21° N - 48° N, 114° E - 156° E)
    K-K - Kuril-Kamchatka (40° N - 63° N, 131° E - 167° E)
    HAW – Hawaii (15° N - 35° N, 171° E - 145° W)
BR – basic reference for the event. It refers the tsunami catalog or primary publication where this
event is described
Source Region - source region of the tsunami. Descriptive indication of the tsunami source area (maximum

Format of the RUN-UP table

Region name - region name (region/country)
Area name - area name (island/county)
Site name – observation site name
lat - latitude of observation point ('-' for southern latitude)
long - longitude of observation point ('-' for western longitude)
T - type of measurement
    R – run-up measurement
    T – tide-gauge measurement
    U - unknown
H - the maximum vertical run-up or wave height measurement (peak-to-peak amplitude) in meters