A. Neumair (CIRT, Bavaria, Germany), P. Barretto (LIADA, Brazil), 2009
In north-east Brazil, Pernambuco, 1995 there was found a structure called Panela crater at following coordinates:
Longitude: W 38° 09' 27'', Latitude: S 07° 51'25''. It´s formed as a little elliptical simple bowl-shaped conical crater with a diameter about 500 x 600 m and between 60 and 120 m depth (higher in the North) in crystalline basement (gneissic syenite). At the Panela structure were following impact-crater criterias observed: breccia, ejecta, shocked target rocks, shatter cones, spherules and some aspects of impact melt.
So the structure can be interpreted as an impact crater. The age of the event is dated 1.200 years B.C. (radiocarbon age of charcoal from archeological related sites). In the surrounding there are archeological sites (paintings etc.) with an possible interpretation, that the event was seen by the Paleo-Indian inhabitants of the region.
More information in following papers:
Os impactitos sгo rochas resultantes do choque de meteorуides em superfнcies planetбrias durante a formaзгo das crateras de impacto. A maioria das rochas fundidas em uma cratera de impacto sгo as brechas. A presente pesquisa discute uma classificaзгo para os impactitos coletados na regiгo da cratera da Panela (PE). Compara com os impactitos de crateras reconhecidas como de origem cуsmica. Apresenta o perfil geomйtrico estrutural do astroblema e o impacto ambiental para a
Desde 1995, o primeiro contato com a cratera da Panela, em Pernambuco,
Brasil, foram coletadas amostras de rochas em mais de oito visitas e expediзхes, para se
tentar identificar evidкncias de impacto. Jб nas primeiras coletas foram identificadas
possнveis brechas (BR), ejectas (EJ), esfйrulas (SP). Na recente expediзгo, em setembro de 2006, а cratera da Panela, rochas chocadas (STR), fraturadas do alvo (FTR) e shatter cones (SC), entre outras, foram identificadas pelo geуlogo Dr. Bernd-Dietrich Erdtmann, do Instituto de Pesquisa de
Geociкncias da Universidade Tйcnica de Berlim, observa: ...
Ejecta are also found as
"welded" syenite and hematite-rich fluidized (molten) rocks, especially around the
northern perimeter. Some of the gneissi breccias show evidence of partial melting,
again, mostly along the northern 120° perimeter of the crater...
В работе рассматривается классификация импактитов из кратера Panela в сравнении с импактитами из достоверных импактных кратеров. Представлены структурные геометрические профили астроблемы и импактное воздействие на окружающую среду в
районе кратера Panela.
Импактиты из кратера Panela.
Начиная с 1995 года, во врамя восьми экспедиций на кратер Panela, в Пернамбуку,
Бразилия, были собраны образцы пород с целью доказательства импактного воздействия. В первой же коллекции были определены возможные брекчии (БР), эжекты (EJ), сферулы (SP).
В недавней экспедиции, в сентябре 2006 года, в кратере Panela ударные трещины, (STR), раздробленные породы (FTR) и конусы разрушения (SC) были определены геологом доктором Б.В. Эрдтманом (B.D.Erdtmann) из Научно-исследовательского института Земли в Техническом университете Берлина: « ...Эжекты найдены в основном по северная периметру. Некоторые из гнейсовых брекчий в этом же районе были частично расплавлены...».
(Barretto P., 2006).
DR. ERDTMANN Panela-Crater comments
(Professor of Historical Geology and Paleontology Berlin University of Technology)
Berlin, Sept. 25, 2006
From a geological point of view the Panela-Crater has to be a meteor impact crater for the
following reasons:
Geomorphological Reasons:
1. The geomorphological expression is documented by a "circular conical-shaped hole" of ca.
55 m in diameter at the crater bottom and ca. 200 m diameter at the rim;
2. This "circular conical-shaped hole" has no outlet, but a lower rim to the South and a higher
"pushed-up" rim to the North which suggests an angular impact trajectory from the South
against the North;
3. The slopes all around are steeper than the "angle of repose", e.g. they are not simply a
result of water erosion, although rock talus, especially consisting of shattered parent rock
(Proterozoic syenite) is still without soil formation covering especially parts of the northern
Geological Reasons:
1. The impacted parent rock is a homogenous gneissic syenite which is strongly fractured
(shatter fractures) all around the crater, but especially dominant at ca. 120 ° of the northern
slope and extending probably for several hundred meters into the impacted rock (collected
from debris lying around in the nearby sugarcane fields on the northern perimeter of the
2. There is no limestone or carbonate or evaporitic rock anywhere within 50 km in the region
around the crater - which could have produced a "karst-hole" or "dolina" but only a non-
karstigenic gneiss and syenite (!);
3. There is no evidence of volcanic activity anywhere within a 50 km (or more) radius around
the impact crater;
4. Impact generated gneiss-breccia and fractured gneiss are the dominant rocks within
hundreds of meters around the northern perimeter of the impact crater;
5. Ejecta are also found as "welded" syenite and hematite-rich fluidized (molten) rocks,
especially around the northern perimeter;
6. Some of the gneissic breccias show evidence of partial melting, again, mostly along the
northern 120° perimeter of the crater.
PANELA CRATER - Regional 2010 Review