Geological Traces of Giant Tsunamis on the New South Wales south coast of Australia
Geological excursion to the New South Wales South Coast of Australia on July 11-12, 1997
Participants of the trip:
- E.A.Bryant, School of Geoscience, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia
- R.W.Young, 4 Roxborough Ave., Thirroul, N.S.W.., Australia
- V.K.Gusiakov, Computing Center, Novosibirsk, Russia
Large vortex structure near Bass Point | Small vortex near Bass Point |
6 Boulders near small vortex | Small vortex wirlpool |
Example of some of s-forms (muschelbruch) | A canyon structure at Atchenson Rock |
Panoramic view of another vortex structure | Coastal cliffs at Mermaid Inlet |
Large bouldrs at the Little Beecroft Head | Imbricated boulders stacked on the top of ramp |
Large boulder at 32 m above sea level | Lsarge vortex at Flagstaff Point |
Anotherr view of vortex at Flagstaff Point | Cavitation forms imprinted on the solid bedrock |
Smaller vortex wirlpool at Flagstaff Point | One of depositional signatures of tsunami |
Scenic overview at Stanwell Park
Tsunami link to legend by Graeme O'Neill
- Bryant E., Young R., Price D. (1996). Tsunami as a major control on
coastal evolution, southeastern Australia, J. of Coastal Res., 12, 4, 831-840.
- Bryant E., Young R. (1996). Bedrock-sculpturing by tsunami, South coast
New South Wales, J. of Geology, 104, 565-582.
- Bryant E., Jones B., Yassini I., Young R. (1996). IGCP Project 367. Late
Quarternary Coastal Records of Rapid Change: Appl.to present and Future
Conditions, Sydney, Australia, 4-14 Nov. 1996, South Coast Pre-Conference
Trip. Guidebook, 228p.
- Young R., Bryant E. (1992). Catastrophic wave erosion on the southeastern
coast of Australia: Impact of the Lanai tsunamis ca.105 ka?, Geology, 20,
- Young R., Bryant E. (1993). Coastal rock platforms and ramps of
Pleistocene and Tertiary age in Southern New South Wales, Australia,
Zeitschrift fur Geomorph N.F., 37, 257-272.