Banda Aceh (053335N_951810E), Sumatra, Indonesia
050128-085 |
050128-075 |
050128-077 |
050128-063 |
050128-071 |
050128-099 |
050128-100 |
050128-039 |
050128-050 |
050128-026 |
050128-021 |
050128-019 |
050128-025 |
050128-090 |
050128-056 |
Lampueuk Village (052930N_0951230E), 15 km south-west of Banda Aceh
050128-117 |
050128-121 |
050128-122 |
050128-185 |
050128-187 |
050128-191 |
Lhonga Area (052830N_0951430E), 17 km south-west of Banda Aceh
050128-129 |
050128-131 |
050128-133 |
050128-135 |
050128-136 |
050101-01 |
050128-142 |
050128-149 |
050128-166 |
050128-158 |
050128-167 |
050128-173 |
Sigli (052306N_0955733E), 75 km south-east of Banda Aceh
050129-07 |
050129-08 |
050129-09 |
050129-13 |
050129-14 |
050129-16 |
Sibolga (014414N_0984700E), Sumatra west coast
050121-08 |
050121-09 |
050121-11 |
050122-05 |
050122-14 |
050122-16 |
Nias Island
050124-34 |
050124-36 |
050124-37 |
050124-38 |
050124-52 |
050124-39 |
050124-65 |
050124-67 |
050124-62 |
050124-59 |
050124-61 |
050124-75 |
Credit: V.Gusiakov, 2005, Novosibirsk Tsunami Laboratory
The full scale images of the above photos are available upon request.