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Hosted by:

Tsunami Laboratory
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics
Siberian Division Russian Academy of Sciences

pr. Lavrentieva, 6,
Fax:(383)330-87-83 Email:gvk@sscc.ru

Time Line for Events in Holocene Impact Working Group and precursors to group.

1997 August - Slava Gusiakov meets Ted Bryant at the IAPSO GA Assembly in Melbourne, Australia. Ted invites Slava in Wollongong for a short field trip over the New South Wales coast.
1997- Ted Bryant in his 1997 paper (Bryant et al.,1997) first directly linked the "chevrons" (coastal parabolic sand mounds) to tsunami action.

1998- William Topping contacts Rick Firestone about impact evidence, metallic spherules and radioactivity at the Gainey Paleoindian site.
1999- Mike Baillie publishes his book "Exodus to Arthur"
2000- Dallas Abbott starts working on submarine impact craters with Sally Reynolds (now Davies.)

2001 March - Richard Firestone publishes Terrestrial Evidence of a Nuclear Catastrophe in Paleoindian Time, Mammoth Trumpet 16, (2001), pp.1-5. Paper describes Gainey impact evidence, evidence for near Earth supernovae in the late Pleistocene, and relationship between the impact and the Carolina Bays.
2001 June - Ted Bryant publishes his book: "Tsunami Underrated Hazard" (First Edition) through Cambridge University Press.
2001 July - Gainey sediment and Midwest chert analyzed at Budapest Reactor. Enrichment in 40K discovered.

2003- Jon Hagstrum reads Bryant's book, recommends to Dallas. Dallas reads book, emails Ted to praise book. Dallas and Ted correspond. Dallas finds Mahuika crater candidate for Ted Bryant's NSW mega-tsunami event.
2003 Summer - Andrew Matzen works on Mahuika ejecta in dredge samples-finds apparent impact spherules.
2003- Kelletat and Scheffers paper on chevrons published.

2004 February- Dallas, Ted, Paul Krusic, Steve Pekar, and Mohi Kumar fly to New Zealand and participate in the field trip to the Stewart Island organized by the field party to study a possible tsunami impact from Mahuika crater.
2004 Summer - Mohi Kumar finds some spherules are microfossil casts of glauconite-does find one that looks like a tektite (but still has a glauconitic composition).
2004 December - Ted and Slava participate at the ICSU Conference on Comet/Asteroid Hazards in Canaries and met there