Online Catalogs
The Web versions of the Historical Tsunami Databases for the World Ocean (HTDB/WLD), and Expert Database on the Earth Impact Structures is maintained by the Novosibirsk Tsunami Laboratory (NTL) which is part of the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics of Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Sciences.
The database contains the source some basic tsunami parameters on almost 2270 historical tsunamigenic events occurred in the World Ocean (within the area between 90S to 90N and 180E to 180W) from 1628 B.C up to the present time, nearly 9000 coastal run-up and tide-gauge observations of wave heights and the last part ( earthquake data ) contains the world-wide catalog of significant earthquakes (nearly 6300 events) from pre-historic times till present. The site provides you with screen forms for data search by a number of criteria, for their listing, sorting and for several types of data processing (a histogram of tsunami occurrence, intensity-time and intensity-magnitude charts).
Historical Earthquake Database has been compiled and is being maintained in the Tsunami Laboratory of the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics of SD RAS in Novosibirsk as a part of the Historical Tsunami DataBase (HTDB) Project. The Database contains the parametric data on over 250 000 historical earthquakes occurred globally from 2000 BC to present. The list of parameters includes date and source time, epicentral coordinates, focus depth and magnitude.
The database contains information about global impact events. It includes a proven structure and those that are promising for further study. Catalog content reflects information accumulated to date in the literature and the Internet.
The basis of the database is a parametric catalog of impact craters and crater fields, which contains 1140 structures with different validity index, and 14 information fields. The database contains more than 3700 photographs and maps, 934 text descriptions and 1609 references. The site provides you with screen forms for data search by a number of criteria, for their listing and sorting.
The Database on Active Volcanoes contains data on over 1500 structures. Every volcano has an event card with all the measurements and data on known eruptions.
В данном разделе сайта представлены данные о известных болидах и астероидах.
Работа об ураганах является частью изучения геокатастрофики Земли. Фиксирован граф причинно-следственных связей возникновения ураганов. С целью построения прогнозов собрана и доработана информация об ураганах, о местах их возникновения и перемещения, об их разрушительной силе. На основе работы по шкалам измерений обобщены и доработаны шкалы определения отдельных свойств ураганов.
Related Websites

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